February 3, 2021
Action item follow-up (0:05-)
Presentation scheduling (Cory O.)
Sub-working group updates
USD Camera (Michael M.)
Enthusiastic first session
A number of initiatives underway:
Identify existing camera schemas
Discover existing research into physical camera models
Early specifications for lens metadata
Jupyter Notebook Updates
USD notebooks running in Google Colab space (see Interactive Google Colab notebooks)
Working on a solution for 3D visualization within notebooks.
Web-based USD Visualization
There are a number of efforts in this space, would a sub-working group be useful.
@marsupialto lead a USD/Web sub-working group
Initial goal of the group will be to discuss a proposal for a SIGGRAPH panel on USD/Web visualization.
Deadline for panel proposal is Feb 23rd.
Reporting back to USDWG in next session (Feb 17th) on progress/needs.
Call for additional topics
No additional topics.
Closing/Action Items
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.