January 20, 2021
Action item follow-up (0:05-)
Wiki content review (Cory O.)
Google groups user list permissions prevent production of the usd-interest newsletter.
USD team made the group user list private to prevent harvesting.
Looking for a workaround, may have to drop part of the newsletter or use a manually input user list.
Some new content around IPython Notebooks, more to come soon (JT)
Presentation scheduling (Cory O.)
Sub-working group updates
USD Camera (Michael M.)
Working on scheduling the first meeting of the sub-group.
Web-based USD Visualization (Roman Z.)
There are a number of efforts in this space, should discuss whether a sub-working group would be useful.
Call for additional topics
Closing/Action Items
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.