2025 Q1 - January, February, March
12 February 2025
Attendees: Carol Payne, Kaitlin Pollock, Jennifer Cremer, Adelie Creek, Bill Ballew, Stephen Mackenzie, Lori Smallwood, Stephanie Doppler, Monique Bradshaw
Plans and focus for 2025 (see slidedeck)
AOUSD Collaboration — BOF at SIGGRAPH
SLP Planning — 4-year application cycle, transition to LF
ASWF D&I Mission Statement Review
3 focus areas:
increase D&I representation within ASWF
external outreach and education
member guidance
AOUSD Collaboration
The Alliance of OpenUSD (AOUSD) is a Linux Foundation organization focused on setting standards for the OpenUSD ecosystem. AOUSD recently formed its own DEI group, led by Lori Smallwood, who attended this meeting. Carol discussed potential collaboration with AOUSD, including a BOF at SIGGRAPH and other joint initiatives this year.
Ferby expressed interest in leading the student volunteer SIGGRAPH outreach initiative.
SLP 2025 Planning
The group discussed the diversity dimension for the 2025 SLP application pool and reviewed the pools from previous years:
Year 1: Women and women-identifying
Year 2: LGBTQIA+
Year 3: BIPOC and Latinx
Year 4: Open to anyone who identifies as belonging to an underrepresented group
Carol proposed a recurring 4-year cycle, consisting of 3 years dedicated to focus groups followed by an open year. This structure would allow prospective applicants to anticipate their eligibility. For the 5th year of SLP in 2025, Karen suggested prioritizing “under-served gender identities, including and not limited to […]” to ensure more inclusive language.
The 4-year cycle and the year 5 focus group was agreed upon by group consensus.
Transition to broader ASWF Support
During last year's annual Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) update, Rachel and Carol emphasized the need for a more structured placement for SLP within the ASWF. Benefits of this transition include:
More administrative support (e.g., scheduling, calendaring, swag store), reducing the burden on D&I volunteers.
Enhancing the mentee experience by enabling D&I to focus on mentorship rather than administrative tasks.
Increased legitimacy and appeal for prospective mentors.
With this transition, the SLP will remain under the D&I Working Group for leadership, while being formally integrated as a solid Foundation Initiative for stronger continuity and resources.
📢 Applications will open soon!
Next Meeting
Guest Speaker: Andrew McNutt was originally scheduled to join this meeting but had to postpone. He will join us next time to discuss reusable visualization design with a focus on color!
SLP Outreach: Outreach for SLP volunteering opportunities, as well as brainstorming outreach efforts, will be covered at the next meeting as well.
Action Items
Reach out to Karen, Kaitlin, Carol, and/or Ferby with any interest in volunteering for the SLP, whether that be planning, application review, or mentoring!
12 March 2025
Attendees: Rachel Rose (Industrial Light & Magic), Kaitlin Pollock (DreamWorks), Stephanie Doppler (rez | NVIDIA), Lori Smallwood, Stephen Mackenzie, Munira Tayabji, Montana Adlington (Animal Logic), Bill Ballew (DreamWorks), Karen Ruggles (notes)
SLP update (Karen Ruggles)
Quick review of Charter (Rachel Rose)
Brainstorm on growing the working group (Rachel Rose)
Summer Learning Program Update
The application has launched and has a handful of applicants
Some changes to the application and program have implemented this year
Need to call for Reviewers in the near future
Quick Review of Charter
Rachel shared the Charter for the Diversity & Inclusion Working Group. It is about 5 years old and may need updates.
Please review and add comments, accuracy, for additions, edits, or general comments
Brainstorm on growing the Working Group
Intro: what are ways we can grow, the ASWF is typically a technical entity but non-technical people can still be involved and create impact. The D&I Working Group is a good landing point for people who aren’t as technical
people feel intimidated
entry-level people feel contributing to ASWF Projects something their managers do
just knowing what project to go to--the ASWF Landscape is helpful, but can be overwhelming
Many active ASWF contributors are very senior level contributors, it can be difficult to engage entry-level people without them feeling overwhelmed
Lift and Shift existing ideas (ideas or other places that have done good things)
Partner with affinity groups: does anyone have contacts here?
there is an existing Google Doc somewhere with collaborators and partners
WIA (we have had speakers/guests from here in the past)
SIGGRAPH (we have done this in the past)
Academy D&I (existing)
AOUSD (existing and active?)
Girls Who Code
Wigraph (from SIGGRAPH)
Google Summer of Code
Things to do or think about during an ASWF Meeting
Meetings that are labeled for introductory
“this is for new people” Drop-in office hours for new comers or Open Coding Jams
Bring a friend Day to D&I meeting
Educate ASWF people on how to run a meeting to be more inclusion/less overwhelming for newcomers
saying hi to each person
stating that if you’re here just to listen and learn, type in chat something like
we could then formalize this response (with appropriate statement in meeting) to mean that someone will reach out to them or that if there are a few people who type , they can band together as a mini-cohort)
having people introduce themselves on camera or via chat
saying it’s ok to be off camera
also including all of this in the page where most people go to find the meeting link/invitation
Things to do for Projects
get “good first issue”s tagged + pairing with a mentor
Make “good first issue” tags uniform across all ASWF projects
single landing page mind map for all “good first issue”s of all ASWF Projects (similar to ASWF Landscape page?)
dovetail with Dev Days?
Ambassadors - someone from D&I group “assigned” to each project and just looking to onboard people to the project
looking for barriers of entry (meetings, code repository, general understanding or clarity, etc )
Ambassador could be Tier 2 of SLP
Video series
“intro to ASWF projects” videos
what to expect at the first ASWF meeting (have a statement on who you are)
How does ASWF operate
intro to common barrier breakers - CMake
Success stories on how new comers felt welcome and they found a great community
Education space
partner with universities (what language can we use? what can the universities provide back to us in exchange for being listed as part of the program/partnership/etc)
International Science Fair (high school)
Current ASWF member employees
bring in people on the hiring side
presentation at end of SLP - invite hiring folks, inquire what the hiring people would be interested in seeing
Action Items
🤝 Share the Summer Learning Program application! https://forms.gle/ExrQnXjgEgk8aMn99
👓 Review the Charter and comment: For Review - D&I WG Charter_TAC - 2025
📈 Share ideas on growing ASWF & ASWF D&I Working group in Slack
🙋♂️Express interest in helping with one of the listed initiatives above!