TSC Meeting Notes 2022-02-10


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
  • John Mertic
  • Joseph Goldstone
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Larry Gritz
  • Nick Porcino
  • Peter Hillman
  • Rod Bogart
  • Lucas Miller


  • For the Open Source Forum, we need:
    • High-level executive summary, “ROI”
    • Some performance stats from studios/applications starting to use the new core library 
  • Branch rename:
    • Cary: will do it this weekend, so it can be reported at the OSF.
  • Kimball: I’ll run clang format, will make a push, not a PR since it touches every line.
  • Lucas: I thought it was going to be about multiple imaths
  • Kimball: I started converting the c++ layer to use core. Immediately ran into problems. C layer uses c structs for vecs. Why doesn’t Imath use those as well?  Could add them. Only for when Imath is header only. Will submit a draft PR for discussion.
  • Larry: Been tying myself in knots about multiple Imaths. But here is an attempt to solve it, with a shim class: https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio/pull/3330. Struct v2f, then the Imath::V2f then derives from the data storage. It’s just for parameter passing
  • Alembic uses Imath types in its public API
  • We might be able to propagate these changes to other libraries
  • Kimball: we’ve talked about not having a version in the namespace
  • Larry: But what would happen if you decided you want your V3’s padded to 4 for simd alignment? 
  • Joseph:
    • The fight to have decent standard attributes continues.
    • SMPTE is trying to not be jammed up in paperwork.
    • ILM didn’t want OpenEXR to be tied up in SMPTE paperwork.
    • Possibility of leveraging SMPTE’s reputation.
    • They have a github repo as a way of providing visibility on proposals.
    • That’s where I would go to propose updates to ImfStandardAttributes.h
    • Kimball: gotta run, but this is what I think we were suggesting before (having a wiki that is controlled via PR), go Joseph, sounds great to me!
    • Nick: the github repo would be a public wiki scratch pad.
    • Joseph: the repo would force public debate, not just anyone can merge. 
    • “We have to wait for the results of the VES metadata survey to come back.”
    • Not going to be an instantaneous thing.
    • But will eventually come back to us.
    • Today was the first discussion, it’s ongoing.
  • Peter: one outstanding fuzz issue: out of memory. Will limit the number of samples.