TSC Meeting Notes 2022-02-24


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
  • John Mertic
  • Joseph Goldstone
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Larry Gritz
  • Nick Porcino
  • Peter Hillman
  • Rod Bogart


  • Imath storage base types proposal, https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/Imath/pull/237:
    •  Kimball: We want  a C basis, used in other project API. “This is just carrying the data, but I’m not operating on that data.”
    • Cary: Ideally we add only the minimal amount of extra complexity 
    • Larry: It’s unfortunate that you open up a file expecting to see a simple 2-vector and you see impenetrable template stuff.
    • Nick: It’s shouldn’t be like eigen.
    • Larry: We could have been a single template for Vec<2,3,4>. I would actually like that.
    • Nick: I wouldn’t, because it implies similar functionality between Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, when they actually have unique API’s.
    • Cary: We already have that with the integer instantiations that lack certain functions that the float versions have.
    • Cary: I’d like to clearly state the goals and design criteria, so we’re not over-designing.
  • Open Source Forum preparation:
    • Cary: 
      • Themes:
        • Performance
        • Integration/interoperabilty
        • Emerging standards
      • Roadmap:
        • Migrate C++ API to use the new Core library, for improved performance
        • Experiment with new/modern compression libraries
        • Rethink API namespacing: help application/library maintainers supporting multiple versions simultaneously.
        • Rethink library versioning scheme: has caused confusion for package maintainers.
        • Keep abreast of SMPTE/VES Tech Committee discussion on standard metadata. Await consensus before renaming/restructuring standard optional attributes in .exr files.
    • Cary: Should also mention what we need - community involvement.
    • Kimball: We need more people like Aras: “If you change this compression setting, you get better performance.”
  • Joseph: SMPTE attribute repo? 
    • Haven’t heard anything. Group would have met today, but everyone is at HPA.
    • Nick: Epic is interested in automating camera operations. USD cameras working group.
    • Joseph: send me the names and what they want to do.
  • Christina: I'll get to the Imath CI shortly.