TSC Meeting Notes 2021-06-17

TSC Meeting Notes 2021-06-17


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
  • John Mertic
  • Joseph Goldstone
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Larry Gritz
  • Nick Porcino
  • Peter Hillman
  • Rod Bogart
  • Espindola Stela
  • Sergio Rojas


  • Feature freeze this weekend
  • 3.1 Beta release notes/announcement
  • Open Source Days agenda/speakers
  • Standard Optional Attributes
  • SonarCloud coverage report

Key Dates for Review:

  • Feature freeze: June 20
  • 3.1 release: July 4 


  • 3.1 feature freeze this weekend. 
    • Kimball, how's PR #870 going?
      • Done a good pass with flipping on the code coverage and scanners.
      • A failure in the uncompressor for PXR24
      • API is there but haven’t tested the deep stuff.
      • I don’t yet know if it’s sufficient for the GPU.
    • We need docs:
      • Press release
      • Release notes
      • Documentation
      • Should add a section to the C++ API document
      • An introduction to how to restructure code to use it. Distilled wisdom.
      • Kimball, can you start a Google doc we can use to draft this verbiage? Yes.
    • Larry: Luke from Animal is working on texture benchmarks, a torture test, performance is abysmal. Neither of us have hooked up the new stuff.  Hopefully this will be a solution.
    • Would it be better to just make the changes to OIIO? 
      • Larry: That would save me from doing the same thing.
      • Initial thing should be fairly straightforward.
    • Peter: we already have two ways of reading a file, the simplified RGBA version and the full version. This is a third.
    • Does the new API offer anything for writing? Nothing, just if you want C. It’s faster, or can be faster.
    • XDR stuff is quite a bit different.
  • Imath release, with optimized half. We should just proceed.
    • Cmake option to compile in the tables, since the tables can be too large.
    • Have made the code safe.
    • If someone hasn’t updated Imath it will still work.
  • Open Source Days
    • Spectral data? Kimbal: the Manuka team said, "Ah, sweet, can we add this and that!” But would require a file change.
  • Joseph: Standard Optional Attributes:
    • I’d been trying to get the attributes that are defined in the ACES Container File into the standard list.
    • Also virtual production ones.
    • Then pulled the whole thing. There it sat.
    • Over the past week, we flipped from a state where some of us were pushing to get changes made, to a pull.
    • John Levin @ ILM: “this is insane, stuff is coming in with inconsistent names.”
    • John Knoll inquired about standards with Dave Stumpf @ASC 
    • Came up with strategy: bypass SMPTE entirely, refine it with input from various studios. 
    • Not about code review, it’s about semantics.
    • Can use the PR process to host the discussion. One PR for each attribute/chunk.
    • Nick: Use a feature branch
    • Talk to Mike Min at Netflix, has a working group focusing on Camera metadata. He wants metadata in OTIO. 
    • "If we use a term, it has the same semantics."
    • Nick: There should be a schema. So the data can be carried and not lost.