TSC Meeting Notes 2021-12-02
TSC Meeting Notes 2021-12-02
- Cary Phillips
- Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
- John Mertic
- Joseph Goldstone
- Kimball Thurston
- Larry Gritz
- Nick Porcino
- Peter Hillman
- Rod Bogart
- Eskil Steenberg
Key Dates for Review:
- Google Summer of Code ideas:
- Add support for bfloat16
- Is adding a new pixel type safe to do? There’s support for adding a new compression type. But it may not be the same for pixel type.
- Add a part type that is only metadata.
- A fast header read
- So you don’t have to read the file to get to the header data.
- Add support for sorting of attributes.
- Peter: I’ve never grasped why people want to change the order.
- Larry: They don’t. The only thing you get is alphabetical, which isn’t always what you want.
- Peter: an ordering attribute that tells the order. They’re written and read in alphabetical order is they’re stored internally in a map that keys off the name.
- You can write any order you like, but you can’t ask the API what order they’re in.
- Joseph: If attributes are written in alphabetical order, would identical files checksum to the same value?
- Kimball: They are, because they’re a map.
- Peter: But compression data is not the same.
- Convert boost python to pybind11.
- Explore other compression schemes.
- Should try Zstandard.
- Performance metric suite.
- A new spectral attribute type.
- Alban’s github repo looks nice.
- Switch c++ library to use the C core.
- Kimball:: I started working on ImfHeader. You can blindly copy a Header object
- Most hated github question: doesn’t build on fedora, i386, yada yada
- CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: This is, in fact, the proper way to direct OpenEXR to an Imath installation.
- For python cmake issues, we should look at OTIO does.
- #1201 Extend multipart RgbaInputFile API
- After merging #1194, there are conflicts. Peter will investigate.
- Peter: I can’t reproduce some of the OSS-fuzz issues. And some have been closed without any fixes. Something must have changed internally with the fuzzing system.