TSC Meeting Notes 2021-08-26

TSC Meeting Notes 2021-08-26


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
  • John Mertic
  • Joseph Goldstone
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Larry Gritz
  • Nick Porcino
  • Peter Hillman
  • Rod Bogart


  • Joseph: VES Tech committee is undertaking an investigation of metadata. First step is s survey, to figure out how bad things are (i.e. there are reports of 13 different definitions of focal distances).
  • Kimbal: found a bug in one of the unpackers. Unpacking rgb-only and converting to float has a bug.
  • Kimball: Weta will be producing production images with the new core.
  • https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/Imath/pull/202 “Cuda safety fixes”
    • Larry: just trying to reduce warnings. Still sorting out some warnings, but they seem to be just moving from one place to another.
    • What’s in 3.1 is fine. And if fixes a CUDA compile error.
  • Cary: Imath readthedocs build has started failing.
    • Larry: could be sphinx/breathe version. OIIO specifies the version in requirements.txt.
    • Nick: OpenTimelineIO specifies it in conf.py
  • Imath #195 PyImathTest ends with SIGSEGV on Fedora/RHEL
    • Cary: I can’t reproduce.
    • Kimball: seems to be a range check error. Kimball will investigate.
  • #1125: RFC: switch Zip compression level from 6 to 4 by default, and add attribute to control it
    • Could add a build-time configuration. Then change the default later.
    • Continue to use zlib but use deflate.
    • Larry: don’t need a tremendous amount of rigor: a few renders, a few captured images. Should be OK.
    • Larry: OIIO patch: cleaned up timing things. It’s amazing how long a big write takes. Do a bunch of stuff and the write takes 80% of the time. 
    • Should offer run-time controls. If nobody gets to it right away, Larry may investigate.
  • Core library:
  • Can’t code/decode DWA compression.
  • Need to finish up the deep packing.
  • How/when do we approach integrating the core into the existing C++ API?
    • 4.0?
    • Kimball: I was thinking we need to change the member fields of the classes, and thus ABI change. 
    • Larry: That doesn’t matter. Just recompile your code.
    • Could use thread-local storage. Use a thread id to store which thread the framebuffer 
  • OpenVDB:
    • We need to take the OpenEXR 3.1 integration into OpenVDB seriously, sooner rather than later. If OpenVDB misses the deadline, the VFX reference platform will revert OpenEXR back to 2.4.
    • Kimball will contact Nick Avramoussis.
    • Cary will contact Dan Bailey.