TSC Meeting Notes 2021-10-21

TSC Meeting Notes 2021-10-21


  • Cary Phillips
  • Christina Tempelaar-Leitz
  • John Mertic
  • Joseph Goldstone
  • Kimball Thurston
  • Larry Gritz
  • Nick Porcino
  • Peter Hillman
  • Rod Bogart


  • Outstanding problem with deep reads: it has been fixed.
  • We should be in a good place for v3.1.3, there aren’t any outstanding issues.
    • Cary: I’ve been cherry picking commits into a branch and submitting as a PR to merge into RB-3.1, because that gives an easy-to-view list of the merged commits. 
    • Larry: In my projects I merge to the branch right after merging to master, but either is fine.
  • Why does OpenEXR do chroma subsampling?
    • Rod: Florian had an obsession about 422 and chroma subsampling, he put it in early. He wasn’t happy with how chroma subsampling was done in the early years at ILM.
    • Larry: It’s different from any other image format, except ones that are specifically video.
    • EXRs are linear, but video isn’t.
    • Kimball: It’s an arbitrary number: subsampling set to 17.
    • Rod: B44 compression was also from Florian.
    • Kimball: That’s ok, it’s what ProRes does.
    • Rod: Whether there is subsampling is orthogonal to whether it’s linear or not.
  • Joseph: MacPorts
    • Feels like trying to understand the language of a vanished civilization
    • All the C++ stuff builds and installs
    • The python modules don’t install. There’s a problem with the venvs
    • Nick: That’s why there’s been movement towards conda, away from venvs
    • Joseph: I’m working with an old codebase that’s built around macports, but a new codebase that uses conan. I’ll keep struggling with it.
  • Cary: I now have an account on a Fedora project ILM machine, can investigate the s390x test failure.
    • Kimball: We ported Manuka to the Power series. There’s something weird, like char is not the same signed-ness as the default. Unsigned by default?
    • Cary: The suggestion is that it’s an endian issue, since the x390x is big-endian.
  • Christina: A windows build issue with static linking of zlib