2022 Q1 - January, February, March

2022 Q1 - January, February, March

12 January 2022

Attendees: Allen Stetson (Blizzard), Aliza Carpio, Annie (UX), JT Nelson ,Sergio Rojas, Karen Ruggles, Ferby Cremer, Kirstyn Salehi, Shannon Deoul (Agency), Carol Payne, Tom Szenher, Rachel Rose, Kaitlin Pollock, Jen Goldfinch (ASWF outreach), Greg Grusby


Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/academysoftwarefdn/shared_invite/zt-118b4n8df-3kdNQ0RSNImzDh_f50_9Ug 

  • Google Summer of Code (https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/


    • ASWF would like to participate this year (could not participate last year)

    • Deadline as mentor org is next month (beginning of Feb) - time crunch

    • Need to submit the application

    • What is Google Summer of Code? https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ … students are paid stipend and has evolved and its focus is open source software


      • Orgs apply to mentor and students apply for a spot

      • New! Removed requirement to be a student with proof of enrollment 

      • A lot of projects benefit 

      • Point is to help the intern learn

    • We want more ideas now than what we will actually have…most likely will have 3-4 max interns from this program which means not every project will get an intern

    • Per Carol, we will ask for suggestions and feedback when draft is sent out.

    • If we get great really good response for our projects and get mentors, then we can consider moving forward with “our own”

    • (per JT Nelson) Google also has "Season of Docs" project which is like GSoC but for documentation.




09 February 2022

Attendees: Carol Payne, Rachel Rose, Joshua Minor (Pixar & OpenTimelineIO), Shabnam Abbarin, Kevin Clark, Ferby Cremer, Allen Stetson, Jen Goldfinch, Joanna Anthony (Wevr), Sonia Bhatia (Sony), Sergio Rojas, Eric Enderton, Aliza Carpio (Autodesk), JT Nelson, Shoni Doe


  1. Welcome new members: Joanna, Sonia

  2. Open Source Forum

  3. Review D&I Working Group Plan (GSoC + Ambassador Program + Blogging + SLP)

Open Source Forum (Jen)

  • March 10 in LA's Academy Museum

  • Afternoon event - see pic below on agenda, 1- 5 pm (lunch available too as option)

  • Will post on Slack and you can email Jen, Jen.goldfinch@foundry.com

Review D&I Working Group Plan

  • Google Summer of Code

    • is biggest lift that needs help - application deadline is coming up towards the end of the month

    • Need help review the application - Carol is leading this and will post on Slack for review and most likely, Carol will also send email

  • Ambassador Program

    • will be heavy lift for all of us

    • Sergio created glossary and welcome message - for those who are new to the community…starting with Open Timeline I/O 

  • TSCs and Working Groups (JT Nelson) 

  • Blogging

    • we have a good list of potential topics (thanks, Barathy Rangarajan) 

    • Reach out to Jen Goldfinch to be featured for Behind the Screens

  • Summer Learning Program

09 March 2022

Attendees: Karen Ruggies. Aliza, Carol Payne, Allen Stetson, Kirstyn Salehi, Ferby Cremer, Rachel Rose, Barathy Rangarajan, Victoria Wong, Kaitlin Pollock, JT Nelson, Sergio Rojas, Varun Talwar

New: Victoria Wong, Kistyn Salehi


  1. Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Update

  2. National Science Fair Information and Meeting Schedule

  3. Summer Learning Program (SLP)

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Update

National Science Fair Information and Meeting Schedule

  • A meeting and invite outreach and diversity working groups to learn about this program and understand how we move forward) - April 6th (noon PST)

SLP (Karen)