Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes
Template for Notes
use for each 3-month quarterly section:
Date Month Year (example: 04 April 2024) (Heading 1)
Attendees: List all attendees separated by commas (Paragraph text)
Agenda (Heading 3)
Item 1
Item 2
Announcements: (Heading 2)
list announcements
Discussion Topic 1 (usually first agenda item) (Heading 2)
relevant bullet pointed list to summarize discussion topic
Discussion Topic 2 (usually second agenda item) (Heading 2)
relevant bullet pointed list to summarize discussion topic
Action Items (Heading 3)
list something members should accomplish or work on, include dates and point of contact wherever possible
Google docs notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YKrLeYv5N-FBBjPGTdcOaFlaseKJlyaHeqJvcsR7umc/edit?usp=sharing
Slack, #diversity: https://academysoftwarefdn.slack.com/archives/C0152KSAJSJ
Slack, #aswf-slp-2023: https://academysoftwarefdn.slack.com/archives/C055R005U3C
2024 Diversity and Inclusion Working Group Plans