

February 2, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic
Mei Chu (TSC) - Sony Pictures Imageworks
Sean Cooper (TSC ACES TAC Rep) - ARRI
Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games
Patrick Hodoul (TSC) - Autodesk
John Mertic - Academy Software Foundation / Linux Foundation
Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix
Mark Titchener (TSC) - Foundry
Carl Rand (TSC) - Weta Digital
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Remi Archard - DNEG

OCIO TSC Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Propose to move meeting notes out of repo and into ocio-dev (lists) or GH wiki:

    • Michael: Would like to remove meeting notes from GH and move them to Confluence for the following reasons:

      • Declutter repo

      • Reduce PR noise

      • Make notes easily editable by participants

      • Still public, but nicely organized

    • Michael: Any objections or suggestions?

    • Mark B: Good idea.

    • Carol: Good to get PR noise out. Many use it as way to read updates on meetings though. Need reminder to read notes.

    • Michael: Good point. We will need a way to notify the community, preferably as an opt-in solution to avoid spamming inboxes.

    • Doug: Thomas expressed similar thoughts last week.

    • Carol: Also a wiki is open and editable by nature. Confluence tracks changes, but there's a risk of anyone editing them. 

    • Michael: Suggest we keep it somewhat locked down for contributing to start. We can add anyone who needs edit access on request.

    • TODO: Michael to investigate Confluence notifications and editing controls. Will move notes and submit PR to remove them from GH.

  • Follow-up to ASWF survey:

    • The TSC reviewed the ASWF survey notes together to discuss any initial takeaways.

      • Suggestion for iOS platform support.

      • Lots of interest for native OCIO support in Adobe apps. General feedback is that plugins are useful, but a native integration would help with current limitations, and support for things like timeline-based shot looks.

      • OCIO/OTIO integration mentioned. Doug: This has been on OTIO TSC agenda before. Michael: I can mention it in next TAC meeting technical updates as well. We're in a good place to collaborate, though I think it would likely be more of a metadata implementation on the OTIO side.

      • Questions about current RenderMan support. Is it only through OSL, or is there native support?

      • Some discussion about OCIO v1/v2 compatibility. OCIO v2 is compatible with v1 configs, but not the other way around. OCIO v2 will try to behave like OCIO v1 wherever possible when reading a legacy config, but there are changes considered "bug fixes" which changed certain behavior that was problematic. These topics were discussed in the v2 working group. There was talk of a version downgrader at one point, but group agrees it is better to push for v2 adoption.

      • Docs could use improved looks documentation. Needed work in v1 too.

      • Suggestion about criterion for an application having OCIO support, similar to the ACES logo program. Doug: Could be handled as part of the UX guidelines.

    • Doug: How should we follow up with those offering example configs?

      • Sean: Have list of requirements for submission.

      • Mark B: Also should decide where they are submitted. On company GH page? On OCIO config repo?

      • Doug: Maybe also put sample configs in docs.

      • Sean: Configs need documentation too.

      • Mark B: SPI writeup is a good documentation example.

      • Carol: How much focus do we put on v1 configs people currently have, vs. after migrating to v2?

      • Kevin: Depends how many we get that are different from the standard structure - demonstrating technique, etc.

      • Sean: Can use it as opportunity to expand OCIO docs.

      • Carol: Like for BaseLight T-CAM. OCIO is the framework and need to help separate the understanding of OCIO from ACES, etc. Could ask FilmLight to contribute.

      • Sean: VFX examples of complex context management would be good.

      • Doug: Agree, and look usage.

      • Mark B: v2 is a while away for contributors, so might be a year or more before something can be submitted.

      • Michael: Early in config working group discussion we talked about a general config repo in addition to the ACES one, which could have configs contributed via PR or even just link other repos as submodules.

      • Sean: We should have requirements and structure first. Think v1 configs are ok for contribution. Observations of general workflows are useful.

  • OCIO TSC meeting cadence change:

    • Michael: We agreed to change to every other week cadence starting in March. Propose meeting the weeks that will not be back-to-back with the config working group meeting.

    • Group agrees with this direction.

  • Items for next TSC meeting agenda:

    • Continue discussion of survey results to determine actionable steps. Particularly how to follow up with those who expressed interest in contributing to the project.