February 2, 2021
Host: Michael Dolan
OCIO TSC Working Group Meeting Notes
Propose to move meeting notes out of repo and into ocio-dev (lists) or GH wiki:
Michael: Would like to remove meeting notes from GH and move them to Confluence for the following reasons:
Declutter repo
Reduce PR noise
Make notes easily editable by participants
Still public, but nicely organized
Michael: Any objections or suggestions?
Mark B: Good idea.
Carol: Good to get PR noise out. Many use it as way to read updates on meetings though. Need reminder to read notes.
Michael: Good point. We will need a way to notify the community, preferably as an opt-in solution to avoid spamming inboxes.
Doug: Thomas expressed similar thoughts last week.
Carol: Also a wiki is open and editable by nature. Confluence tracks changes, but there's a risk of anyone editing them.
Michael: Suggest we keep it somewhat locked down for contributing to start. We can add anyone who needs edit access on request.
TODO: Michael to investigate Confluence notifications and editing controls. Will move notes and submit PR to remove them from GH.
Follow-up to ASWF survey:
The TSC reviewed the ASWF survey notes together to discuss any initial takeaways.
Suggestion for iOS platform support.
Lots of interest for native OCIO support in Adobe apps. General feedback is that plugins are useful, but a native integration would help with current limitations, and support for things like timeline-based shot looks.
OCIO/OTIO integration mentioned. Doug: This has been on OTIO TSC agenda before. Michael: I can mention it in next TAC meeting technical updates as well. We're in a good place to collaborate, though I think it would likely be more of a metadata implementation on the OTIO side.
Questions about current RenderMan support. Is it only through OSL, or is there native support?
Some discussion about OCIO v1/v2 compatibility. OCIO v2 is compatible with v1 configs, but not the other way around. OCIO v2 will try to behave like OCIO v1 wherever possible when reading a legacy config, but there are changes considered "bug fixes" which changed certain behavior that was problematic. These topics were discussed in the v2 working group. There was talk of a version downgrader at one point, but group agrees it is better to push for v2 adoption.
Docs could use improved looks documentation. Needed work in v1 too.
Suggestion about criterion for an application having OCIO support, similar to the ACES logo program. Doug: Could be handled as part of the UX guidelines.
Doug: How should we follow up with those offering example configs?
Sean: Have list of requirements for submission.
Mark B: Also should decide where they are submitted. On company GH page? On OCIO config repo?
Doug: Maybe also put sample configs in docs.
Sean: Configs need documentation too.
Mark B: SPI writeup is a good documentation example.
Carol: How much focus do we put on v1 configs people currently have, vs. after migrating to v2?
Kevin: Depends how many we get that are different from the standard structure - demonstrating technique, etc.
Sean: Can use it as opportunity to expand OCIO docs.
Carol: Like for BaseLight T-CAM. OCIO is the framework and need to help separate the understanding of OCIO from ACES, etc. Could ask FilmLight to contribute.
Sean: VFX examples of complex context management would be good.
Doug: Agree, and look usage.
Mark B: v2 is a while away for contributors, so might be a year or more before something can be submitted.
Michael: Early in config working group discussion we talked about a general config repo in addition to the ACES one, which could have configs contributed via PR or even just link other repos as submodules.
Sean: We should have requirements and structure first. Think v1 configs are ok for contribution. Observations of general workflows are useful.
OCIO TSC meeting cadence change:
Michael: We agreed to change to every other week cadence starting in March. Propose meeting the weeks that will not be back-to-back with the config working group meeting.
Group agrees with this direction.
Items for next TSC meeting agenda:
Continue discussion of survey results to determine actionable steps. Particularly how to follow up with those who expressed interest in contributing to the project.