June 28, 2021
Host: Doug Walker
Apologies: Michael Dolan
OCIO TSC Working Group Meeting Notes
Summary of PRs in progress
Doug and Patrick summarized the PRs currently on GitHub. As always, we would appreciate people taking time to review the PRs.
We are planning a 2.0.2 release for SIGGRAPH that includes the bug fixes and minor enhancements accumulated since 2.0.1.
The Gamut Compression and OpenFX plug-ins are nearing completion and looking good for 2.1.
Review of 2.1 milestones
Michael created a Milestones page on GitHub to track what is planned for 2.1, due to be released at the end of August:
This page will be updated as any additional PRs come in that the group would like to include.
Stricter validation of v1 configs
Kevin: We've had some instances of v1 configs that have not loaded successfully in a v2 app because v2 does more thorough validation checks. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's something to be aware of. Examples we've run into include:
A config not loading in Maya 2022 due to a FileTransform pointing to a file that did not exist, via a context variable.
Getting additional warnings for undeclared roles.
Kevin: Some v1 configs that don't pass validation may need edits to make them forward compatible with v2.
Action Item: Doug to update the documentation to make note of this potential issue and encourage people to run the v2 version of ociocheck on their v1 configs.