

May 05, 2022

Host: Doug Walker, Carol Payne

Secretary: Michael Dolan


Rémi Achard (TSC) - DNEG
Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic
Mei Chu (TSC) - Sony Pictures Imageworks
Sean Cooper (TSC ACES TAC Rep) - ARRI
Michael Dolan (TSC) - Epic Games
Patrick Hodoul (TSC) - Autodesk
John Mertic - Academy Software Foundation / Linux Foundation
Carol Payne (TSC Chair) - Netflix
Mark Titchener (TSC) - Foundry
Carl Rand (TSC) - Weta Digital
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Sergio Rojas


  • UK bank holiday today

OCIO TSC Meeting Notes

  • GSoC:

    • Group decided to not participate in GSoC this year. Will wait for 2023 when ASWF hosts an internship or other mentorship program. 

    • Doug: One challenge is whether mentorship will turn into regular contribution to the project. If ASWF hosts program, might be more likely to lead to regular contribution.

    • Carol: Lots of things we could do (internship program, etc.). Might be things we can do in partnership with member companies, to have devs participate through programs.

  • Review of TAC discussion:

    • Doug: Should wait till more of the TSC is present. Holding for another meeting.

  • 2.1.x and 2.0.x to release bug fixes:

    • Mark requesting release.

    • Doug: Patrick and I can work on that with Mark, depending on his timeframe. Pushing discussion to next TSC meeting. If it's more urgent, we can help with it sooner.

  • OpenEXR:

    • Doug: Thread in mailing list about color management. Chromaticities attribute in header. Both OpenEXR and OCIO are ubiquitous in VFX facilities and apps, but don't have common way of talking about color. OpenEXR has this attribute, but doesn't mean anything to OCIO, which has named color spaces, which doesn't have a place in OpenEXR header. Larry started discussion on topic. Carol and I volunteered to go to next OpenEXR TSC meeting. We are on agenda. If anyone else wants to be a part of that discussion, please join Thursday May 5th, 4pm EDT.

    • Michael: Meeting will be in ASWF calendar, which tracks all meetings: https://www.aswf.io/meeting-calendar/

    • Doug: Larry suggested having color space name in header. We could have standard attribute in header. We also could potentially take chromaticities attribute and determine color space from it.

    • Carol: Not a new topic, but with new activity in these projects it might be a good time to make some standards around this.

  • OCIO 2.2 project list:

    • Doug: VFX ref platform requested 2022 release at end of August. Assuming same for this year for now. We have opportunity to release new feature release of library. Feel free to add ideas for new features to the list. Projects I have added point to GH issues, with estimation for issue complexity with T-shirt sizes: https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenColorIO/projects/5

    • Carol: It's a great start. Already a big list. would be interested to see what priorities we think these should be.

    • Doug: Agree. Wish list to discuss and prioritize.

    • Michael: Rémi mentioned yesterday he is working on OpenEXR/OIIO app dependency issue, and had some good progress toward solving it.

    • Doug: Autodesk team started working on default config feature (issue #1621). Any thoughts or suggestions please add comments to the issue. In summary, OCIO could ship with one or more default configs, so that users don't need to go download them if they want best practice color management with work from ACES config working group. Could get the ACES CG config in an easy way for example. Would be cool to make this available to developers and end users. Could set OCIO env var to special string to give default config, etc.

    • Carol: Some concern about how to update config if there's an issue, but overall feature sounds helpful and good.

    • Doug: If user asked for config in the past, they will need to have the option to get that config back again. Suggesting the function call to get an identifier which can be stored. Could have special identifier to get the latest version potentially. Don't want to prevent config working group from being able to change configs.

    • Michael: Would this have web request capability to update config?

    • Doug: Think it would be built into OCIO itself, with no need for internet access.

    • Michael: Mainly asking since it could require another third-party dependency. Could be done through Python.

    • Doug: One thing raised in issue is whether there should be a directory where config could go.

    • Carol: I think having a default config in library would not need a file, but be more builtin to library. Could be written to file from OCIO as needed.

  • Channel on ASWF Slack called #osd_opencolorio channel. Created for open source days, but still exists. 

    • Doug: Should we archive it? Since we don't watch is closely.

    • Carol: We are the only project that doesn't use the ASWF Slack instance. They will probably want to do this again the next year. Question will come up again about whether we should stay on our own or move to the ASWF Slack instance. I can follow-up with LF, and we can talk at next TSC meeting about whether we should migrate.

    • Michael: What was the outcome of last discussion?

    • Carol: Don't think there were a lot of objections, since we have a lot of channels that aren't used regularly. We could probably have same sort of conversations.

    • Doug: Think if we have a couple channels would be able to organize better.

    • Michael: Would be cool as well since it's a commercial Slack instance so can do collaboration channels, etc.