

January 24, 2022

Host: Michael Dolan


Rémi Achard (TSC) - DNEG
Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic
Mei Chu (TSC) - Sony Pictures Imageworks
Sean Cooper (TSC ACES TAC Rep) - ARRI
Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games
Patrick Hodoul (TSC) - Autodesk
John Mertic - Academy Software Foundation / Linux Foundation
Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix
Mark Titchener (TSC) - Foundry
Carl Rand (TSC) - Weta Digital
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Sergio Rojas

OCIO TSC Meeting Notes

  • PR review:

    • Patrick: #1578 can't merge since there's a GH actions workflow with pending builds.

    • Michael: Need to update the required checks for the main and RB branches. Whenever we change action names it will require that.

    • TODO: Michael will update CI checks to fix pending PRs

  • ARM wheel removal:

    • Rémi: M1 wheels are not working. Best to remove them.

    • Doug: So right now with M1 mac. It will fail if they pip install?

    • Rémi: See issue #1573. When wheel for platform is not available it should try to build from source, but don't think it will work since setup script is not correct. 

    • Michael: Was ASWF discussion about getting M1 CI machine for testing a while back, since there isn't a hosted runner yet. 

    • Doug: Hopefully will get more M1 machines to simplify testing process. We can follow up with Apple on that.

    • TODO: Michael will remove broken macosx_*_arm64 wheels

  • ASWF orientation document:

    • Sergio: Working on ASWF orientation slide deck for students and new contributors. Have been attending ASWF meetings to gather information. Hope to help people understand what each project does and why it's needed.

    • Group offered review of content and made suggestions to help describe OCIO and explain the project and its benefits.

    • Carol: Project is part of D&I initiative and ambassador project. Sergio has been a huge help with materials for that initiative.