

May 17, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic
Mei Chu (TSC) - Sony Pictures Imageworks
Sean Cooper (TSC ACES TAC Rep) - ARRI
Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games
Patrick Hodoul (TSC) - Autodesk
John Mertic - Academy Software Foundation / Linux Foundation
Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix
Mark Titchener (TSC) - Foundry
Carl Rand (TSC) - Weta Digital
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Sergio Rojas
Rémi Achard - DNEG

OCIO TSC Working Group Meeting Notes

  • CLA switch - update


    • Michael: OCIO CLA has been switched. Contributors who haven't signed it will need to prior to PRs being merged.

  • Plan for v2.0.2:


    • Patrick: Not new, but Larry Gritz found bug when loading v1 config, there is no way to mimic what was done by OCIO v1 filename parsing. Working on a fix for this. Also discovered problem with DX11 support for some ops (mainly grading ops). Since we don't have unit test framework for DX11, found this in testing in Maya. These fixes will could be for v2.0.2. Brendan also has fixes for Photoshop that could be included.

    • Discussion: Compatibility issues between OCIO, OIIO, and OpenEXR 2/3. Fixes needed to CMake modules between projects and those building these libs need to be careful to use compatible dependencies until OCIO has OpenEXR/Imath 3 support.

  • Plan for v2.1.0 (ACES 1.3 / Gamut mapping - Issue #1402):

    • Doug: Number of issue to address. How much time we have will be the issue at this point.

    • Kevin: What would we prioritize? things related to UX changes that might be useful? If we're trying to line things up for VFX ref platform, is it about standardization about how people use the library?

    • Michael: Could include ociodisplay example and OFX plugins. Do apps count toward lib semantic version?

    • Patrick: Good question. Currently for core C++ lib, but there is Python API, plugins, apps, etc.

    • Mark B: Ok to increment version when no API change. But when ABI change have to increment version.

    • Patrick: Important for integration, binary support, etc. To understand what was changed. Will be interesting to know how other libraries (OIIO) handle this.

    • Remi: Can include CMake config scripts as well. PR for that. Minor update, but could be included.

    • Doug: PRs waiting for review and approval could be part of this plan.

    • Gamut mapping PR (#1404):

      • Big thanks to Remi for this work! 

      • Kevin: Does PR include GPU implementation?

      • Doug: Yes. Which platform did you test on Remi?

      • Remi: macOS only. Using GPU unit tests.

      • Doug: Should try to run unit tests locally on all three platforms. GPU compatibility frequent source of problems.

      • Patrick: I can test on Windows. Good topic of discussion. GPU CI build only on Linux. Also don't have DX11 for test.

      • Michael: Think GH actions support for self-hosted runners coming soon.

      • Doug: Discussion around name to use for builtin transform in working group.

      • Remi: Good to version the name, in case want to add new version later on.


    • Michael: Can try to work on Imath 3 support for release

      • Mark B: Or we pull half out

      • Kevin: Think it's going header only.

      • Patrick: Think we need volunteer to investigate.

  • ASWF D&I Summer learning program:


    • Info and sign up: https://www.aswf.io/blog/introducing-aswf-diversity-and-inclusion-summer-learning-program/

    • Mentor and reviewer sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vcngifx4yn_7Ow3pRVsjbvmqAyBjUOiNwRczRyAfqUI/edit#gid=0

    • Carol: Launching this summer. Available to those who identify as women and/or nonbinary. Lots of interest expressed so far. 60+ applicants. 

    • Sean: Sounds really interesting. Is there training for the mentors? 

    • Carol: Will be further meetings for planning. Happy to answer any questions. Working on signups right now. Gnomon would provide classes for CG topics. Hoping to help some students move into ASWF internships later. Students can specify interest in software development too, in which case could do coursework in program outside of Gnomon. Plan to explore GSoC style internship next year. ASWF will sponsor students to use learning platform and assign mentor. An industry person to chat with and offer guidance. Form a connection. Trying to fill slots with people from ASWF, but will reach out to companies after that. Also need help with grading applications. No technical skill required. More asking what students want to get out of it. How can they contribute, etc. Initial target of 12 people, but hope to have more. Budget based, so a little flexible. Don't want to take on more than we can handle.

    • Doug: What courses from Gnomon?

    • Carol: Student gets to choose. May extend to other learning platforms later. Part of mentorship role is helping students pick a topic right for them.

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