

April 5, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic
Mei Chu (TSC) - Sony Pictures Imageworks
Sean Cooper (TSC ACES TAC Rep) - ARRI
Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games
Patrick Hodoul (TSC) - Autodesk
John Mertic - Academy Software Foundation / Linux Foundation
Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix
Mark Titchener (TSC) - Foundry
Carl Rand (TSC) - Weta Digital
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Sergio Rojas
Thomas Mansencal - Weta Digital
J Schulte - Industrial Light & Magic


  • Montreal and UK holiday

OCIO TSC Working Group Meeting Notes

  • ASWF 2.1 CCLA migration:

    • Autodesk has signed the new CCLA, so Doug and Patrick are unblocked whenever we switch over to the ASWF 2020 v2.1 CLA. John Mertic joined the meeting to answer questions related to the CLA and switch over process. Overall the process is similar to the last CLA switch over when moving to the ASWF. When searching EasyCLA for OpenColorIO two entries now exist. the new entry is called "OpenColorIO - ASWF 2020 v2.1". Going forward new corporate contributors should sign this CCLA and wait for the switch over. Individual contributors can sign the new ICLA via their first GH pull request after the switch over. The current plan is to commit to the switch at the start of May, which gives key contributors time to sign. When time for the switch over arrives, we will work to merge approved PRs, and then notify John when we're ready. PRs which are not merged at that point will require coverage from the new CLA if additional commits are made after the change. Following the change, the new CLA will be renamed to "OpenColorIO" in EasyCLA and the old CLA will be removed.

    • TODO: John recommends doing an official vote via email to approve the CLA change on paper. Michael will start a TSC vote thread.

  • Windows build issues / Vcpkg / OpenImageIO:

    • Doug: Traffic on helpdesk channel in Slack, trying to build OCIO with OIIO support on Windows and having problems. We thought it might help to install OIIO via package manager and build OCIO from source to point at it.

    • Michael: I have a powershell-based build system I use to build these projects on Windows which only requires having MSVC and CMake installed. I'll talk to my team about possibility of sharing this work as a resource.

    • TODO: Michael will follow up after talking to his team.

  • OFX plugin status:

    • Michael: Started work to help Yash on OFX plugin builds. Reworked CMake code and have bundle building on Linux and Windows. Resolve is loading the plugin but I'm not seeing the filters in the interface yet. Anyone here use OFX in an application often and have cycles to test the build?

    • Doug: Flame has OFX support. I can give it a try. Could also reach out to Natron devs in OCIO Slack for help, one was asking about OCIO v2 recently.

  • Repo branch structure OpenColorIO/OpenColorIO-Config-ACES:

    • Michael: Thomas proposed moving to develop/main branch structure in OpenColorIO-Config-ACES repo. Not opposed to this, but perhaps we should be consistent between that and the main OCIO repo. We should discuss this again with quorum. Any thoughts?

    • Thomas: Pushing for this on aces-dev too. Makes breaking up work across multiple PRs simpler to manage. Don't think consistency between the projects matters a ton. Very different code bases. Config repo more classical python repo, like colour-science. 

    • Carol: For more experienced people not much difference. Think having similar repo structure encourage participation across projects. Hesitate to separate the two workflows.

    • Thomas: Great point. Is there a particular mandated workflow for OCIO development? Tried to use git-flow for config for practical reasons. 

    • Michael: We will be changing branch name to main in the future, so that could be an opportunity to revisit this. Let's talk about it again with the whole TSC.

  • Daylight savings:

    • We're amidst global daylight savings switch-over again. Changing times can be hard for Australia/New Zealand and London in particular. Group is open to shifting time as needed, but propose to suggest time changes in Slack for wider discussion.

    • TODO: Thomas will propose new time for Config working group.

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