March 21, 2022
Host: Carol Payne
Secretary: Mark Boorer
OCIO TSC Meeting Notes
OpenImageIO / OCIO interaction:
Circular dependency between the two projects.
Current workflow is build OCIO without apps, build OIIO with apps, build OCIO apps.
Proposal to replace OIIO dependency with OpenEXR. This would have slightly less functionality for OCIO tools, but in practice many people will use oiiotool for this purpose.
Doug - Are these tools used in production?
ocioconvert can use the GPU - which oiiotool does not.
ociolutimage might be used.
WIth OpenEXR the library could be built "earlier" if you were building all of the VFX reference platform.
Remi has been volunteered to look at this (with help from Michael)
No visual aide to see which apps are affected, but they should only be those under the following conditional https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenColorIO/blob/415c5837097cc602682ce55c111a24bb91b5be60/src/apps/CMakeLists.txt
Upcoming release of CG ACES config, Lots of projects use Twitter to announce releases, do we want to do the same?
Kevin - It's very little effort to announce we have made a release - It is possibly infinite effort to respond to all the users questions
Thomas - It's not a lot of effort on the projects he has been involved with
Carol has volunteered to be involved
ASWF has some resources that we might be able to lean on
Patrick - We could link them to the slack channel as the place to get more info
Application support list
On the old website we had a simple list of apps that supported OCIO.
Should we update this to a list that shows v1 / v2 / GPU support?
How granular should the matrix be? Should it include features like the gamut compressor?
Who is the audience of this information? Is it more of a marketing splash page, or is it a technical reference?
Liam has made a table already: https://liamcollod.notion.site/OCIO-Supported-Softwares-35474fd5cf394fd796449807fe8b5ab6
This information was manually scraped, through reading release notes or searching documentation, starting from the old list
Linux Foundation might be able to help with a compliance / conformance program that could remove some of the human curation process behind checking all of these tools.
UI / UX guideline group might also have input on how to judge the completeness of a DCC's implementation.
Perhaps it should go on the wiki, to lower the barrier of entry for people to add their applications.
New ACES OCIO config release might raise lots of questions about which version of OCIO is required (and which is provided by their DCC).
Does the documentation website have a separate branch that it pulls from? There are mistakes and layout bugs at present.
You can just push to the master branch (or merge) and it will update fairly quickly. There may be quirks regarding python (needing a code freeze) but these are manageable by our devs.
Pull requests and issues
please help!
Doug has raised an issue regarding "Default configs"
Will likely be discussed at the next TSC meeting.