April 3, 2023
Host: Carol Payne
Secretary: Carol Payne
Michael Dolan
OCIO TSC Meeting Notes
Issue #1781
RGB→RGBA should start with alpha = 1 rather than 0
Current behavior is inconvenient because 0 = transparent, applications might want to default to 1 so it's visible
Kevin: abstractly, makes sense that it should be 1 - it's pretty new - anyone know of anyone relying on it being 0?
Doug - change would wait for 2.3
Remi, Zach: seems like a bug fix, no big issue
Issue #1668
Opt-in or opt-out for Windows Python 3.8 path fix?
Used to be that Windows Python would look at path var to load dynamic libraries, but they've changed it
Anders made a PR to set the path to restore previous behavior, which is what OIIO and USD did
Current merged PR is to make this fix opt-out, but have gotten some feedback that this is potentially dangerous, and it should be the other way around
Kevin: gut reaction is to limit the search path due to security concerns - but who is the default user? PIPy user? Application vendor? The approaches might be different.
Could also move to statically link - Remi - that's the way the python packages are already he thinks (will double check)
With static linking - how far do we go for things like system libraries?
Default for the standalone build should be the same as the wheels, and then this fix is not really necessary?
Maybe look at how others are doing this beyond OIIO - NumPy, etc? Could be more complex than needed for our case.
Possibly something to ask the CI working group for an opinion? Should the ASWF be in sync on this for all projects or is it not worth it?
Continued config merging feature discussion
Doug: updated the slides a bit more with context from the last meetings feedback
Doug: working on adding specific use cases for the three problem spaces presented
Remi: we actually had a use case this week for merging with LED wall calibrations
Kevin: is it truly merging we need, or is it merely more like "including" needed?
Doug: proposal would include options to only add, and not merge
Kevin - helper method to do smarts around different references spaces in config merging - different reference spaces, etc
Doug - hueristics added in 2.2 do some of this already - difference in reference spaces, etc
Could possibly help with instances with different grading spaces for cdls, etc
Will add a section to the slide deck for concrete use case examples. Please help us to add to them!
OCIO was not selected this year.
Will try to pursue other avenues for funding, but nothing to report at this time.