April 29, 2024
Host: Carol Payne
Secretary: Carol Payne
Remi Achard
Mark Boorer
Mei Chu
OCIO TSC Meeting Notes
ACES 2 Dev Release
Kevin - from the OT WG perspective, that means its 99.9% done from OCIO's perspective
Might be some parameter changes, one or two bugs but should be relatively solid
Down to just one edge case - uniformly sampling the LUT, which can be less than ideal in edge cases for pointy cusps. Not sure whether this change will end up in 2.0
Carol - "included" LMTs? That people might want in OCIO specifically?
Kevin - likely not, other than the "1.0 emulation"
Kevin - used the development version of the OT CTL, there's a bug in the release right now. Assuming they'll make a release soon
ACES github structure changes - OCIO config generator changes
Thomas - should be OK - will just need to be updating the config repo discovery etc
Kevin - implementors were relying on "releases" for their updates, but for things that change more often (i.e. adding an IDT) can happen without a full "release"
Carol, Thomas - not sure it makes life easier for implementers... will need to talk with ACES about how they expect this to work
OpenFX Color Implementation (https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openfx/pull/103)
Doug - PR has been open for over a year, been on OpenFX's roadmap for a long time to add basic color management support
It's influenced by OCIO, but doesn't strictly require OCIO. Basically to have a fallback for if someone doesn't have OCIO
Overlaps with Color Interop Forum work for standards with the texturing use case, but it doesn't cover their entire use case.
They've taken the built-in configs and are extracting the names of the colorspaces they want included by default.
We may want to provide them some guidance around naming, aliasing, etc.
OpenFX is not implementing the conversion themselves - more relying on names that plug-ins and applications will be expected to support.
We should read through, and try and provide support and guidance to OpenFX as they tackle this.
Review issues with "To Close" label
Please go through and comment on issues you believe should remain open with this tag between now and the next TSC, at which point Carol will close the remaining ones, and go from there.