December 11, 2023
Host: Carol Payne
Secretary: Carol Payne
Mark Boorer
Sean Cooper
Remi Achard
Kevin Wheatley
OCIO TSC Meeting Notes
2.3.1 release
Released! Includes bug fixes and ABI compatible new features for 2.3.0
This is our intended VFX Reference Platform 2024 release.
DCO sign-offs
When doing releases, we often cherry-pick commits.
However, for 2.3.0 - just did a merge from main as we wanted everything.
This didn't pass DCO signoff, oddly. John Mertic
DCO check isn't lining up with the author metadata. Small things like not using an accent over an è or different emails etc.
In order to get around it, Doug had to cherry pick everything. Which is re-signing off overall.
Thomas - is there a way to force the merge past the DCO in an emergency?
Yes - maintainers can bypass DCO but we should use caution when using that lever.
The DCO bot has some features we can possibly use - https://github.com/dcoapp/app#individual-remediation-commit-support
This isn't the solution though - the DCO check seems super fragile. It shouldn't be failing like this. We can ask the TAC if anyone else has issues around this and what other projects use to release.
Revised issue labels
Carol will add descriptions for each of the proposed labels to be added to the readme on the labels page.
Will finalize at January 8 TSC.
TSC Member & Leadership "renewals"
We'll do this in January - just a heads up! It will be a chance to re-elect or change leadership positions, as well as re-commit as a current member of the TSC.