July 8, 2020
Daniel Heckenberg
Action item follow-up [0:05-0:40]
Confluence instance (Cory O.)
Instance is now available (http://lf-aswf.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WGUSD/)
Set up with the Confluence Knowledge Base template.
Investigating moving the USDWG agendas and meeting minutes into the wiki rather than having them in github (ease of maintenance).
The group will start to populate the KB with information from the brainstorming doc and elsewhere.
Once we have a significant amount of content in the wiki, we can review and organize according to the content, rather than trying to determine what the structure should be up front.
Each session should include a review of new content added to the KB by members.
Proposal for USD Interest summary of threads (Alex S.)
Would be nice to produce this summary on a monthly cadence, so we can identify trends before important milestones like SIGGRAPH (determine areas of focus for sessions, etc.)
Would also be nice for this to be in-line in the wiki (possibly with the nice PDF as an optional download) to make it easy to access. We could then send out a single link to usd-interest.
CMake Superbuilds (Carson B.)
Issues with nested superbuilds causing issues in the OpenEXR project, removing super builds as a result.
Intel uses nested super builds, would like to understand what the core of the issue is that OpenEXR ran into.
It turns out it wasn’t an ACTUAL issue with the superbuild, just someone thinking that overriding find_package might not work in the future: https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/issues/752
Superbuild should remain separate from the project, a separate repository that people can choose to integrate or not.
Carson to investigate sharing the project, likely as an intel-hosted git repo.
IPython/Jupyter Notebooks (JT)
More information added to the document linked below.
Looking for more feedback as to how others in the group are making use of Jupyter notebooks.
Investigating whether it’s possible to embed a notebook in the wiki.
Closing/Action Items [0:40-0:50]
USD Superbuild progress (Carson B.)
Knowledge Base Content
Transfer wg-usd wiki content to confluence (Cory O.)
USD Interest Summary of Threads in Wiki (Alex S.)
Review group contributions to the KB (Cory O.)
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.