June 24, 2020
Action item follow-up [0:05-0:30]
Contribution license on front page of wg-usd (Cory)
Wiki categories (Cory)
Samples area in the repo (Cory)
Provisioning Confluence, as github wiki pages have an overall flat organization that provides hierarchy through manually customizing sidebars.
Confluence provides better support for hierarchy/structuring pages, more conducive to the structure of a KB.
It is possible to edit the wg-usd wiki without having to be a member of the ASWF github org.
Members encouraged, as time allows, to begin adding content to the wg-usd wiki. Once Confluence is available, we can migrate the content over.
Samples area at the root of the wg-usd repository is now open for additions. Any new files there should have associated explanation/docs in the KB.
Aloys: could create a new USD PR upon which GPU-based CI in GitHub Actions could be based.
Solution would be linux-only, and may require a lightweight project under the ASWF github org to handle authentication for the ASWF GH actions infrastructure (AWS).
Extending builds/testing to other platforms (Windows/Mac) is a current topic of conversation in the ASWF CI WG. The outcomes developed by the CIWG could benefit USD Windows/Mac CI.
Miscellaneous topics
NVidia Binary Downloads (BenC-H)
BenC-H: There doesn’t appear to be any user documentation for the binary downloads on the NVidia website.
Kass: Please let me know what might be useful, and I can make sure that gets added.
USD Interest Summary Newsletter (Alexander Schwank)
From the wg-usd slack, it would be great if we could produce a summary of issues/threads for usd-interest and post it back to that alias for the benefit of the community.
IPython/Jupyter Notebooks (JT)
See research link in the reference section below.
CMake Superbuilds (Carson)
Carson: would superbuilds be of use to the community? See reference link below to understand what a superbuild is.
General sentiment in the group is that it would be interesting to look at, relative to the python script currently used to build USD.
Carson to make this available.
Closing/Action Items [0:30-0:35]
Track confluence provisioning, notify group when it’s available (Cory)
USD PR for GH actions (Aloys)
Proposal for USD Interest summary of threads (Alexander)
CMake Superbuilds (Carson)
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.