July 22, 2020

July 22, 2020

Video Conference Link


Cory Omand - WG Chair, Pixar/TWDS
Alan Blevins, Dreamworks
Alex Schwank, Apple
Aloys Baillet, Animal Logic
Andy Biar,  Warner Bros.
Ben Chung-Hoon, Google
Bill Spitzak, Dreamworks Animation
Brian Green, Dreamworks
Carson Brownlee, Intel
Charles Fleche, Rodeo FX
Chris Rydalch, Blue Sky Studios
Daniel Heckenberg, Animal Logic
Dhruv Govil, Apple
Eoin Murphy, NVidia
Eric Enderton, NVidia
Francois Lord, Rodeo FX
Gary Jones, Foundry
Gordon Bradley, Autodesk
Greg Wuller, AWS
Henry Vera, DNEG
James Pedlingham, Foundry
Jeff Bradley, Dreamworks
John Hood, SPI
John Mertic, Linux Foundation
Jordan Soles, Rodeo FX
JT Nelson, Pasadena Open Source Consortium/SoCal Blender group
Kimball Thurston, Weta
Larry Gritz, SPI
Lee Kerley, SPI
Luca Scheller, RiseFX
Mark Elendt, SideFX
Mark Final, Foundry
Mark Tucker, SideFX
Matthew Levine, WDAS
Matthew Low, DWA
Michael B. Johnson, Apple
Michael Kass, NVidia
Michael Min, Netflix
Niall Redmond, Foundry
Nick Porcino, Pixar
Pilar Molina Lopez, Blue Sky Studios
Pier Paolo Ciarravano, MPC
Richard Lei, Weta
Robin Rowe, CinePaint
Roman Zulak, SPI
Rory Woodford, Foundry
Sean Looper, AWS
Sean McDuffee, Intel
Serguei Kalentchouk, Apple
Shawn Dunn, Epic Games
Sue Sauer, Sunrise Productions
Anthony Shafer, Sunrise Productions
Toby Jones, Walt Disney Animation Studios


  • Action item follow-up (0:05-0:30)

    • Transfer wg-usd wiki content to confluence (Cory O.)

      • Transfer is now complete, including meeting minutes from all sessions, and agendas for upcoming sessions.

    • USD Interest Summary of Threads in Wiki (Alex S.)

      • Next edition coming in August

    • Review other group contributions to the KB (Cory O.)


    • USD Superbuild progress (Carson B.)

      • Follow up next session.

    • Next steps for Gitlab Actions/CI (Cory O.)

      • Cory O: Is there anyone else on the call that may have had discussions with their legal groups about IP ownership issues with the Azure Pipelines and/or GitHub Actions CLA? Images in the repository tested on either of these platforms may be used for promotional purposes by MS/Github.

      • DanielH: Seems like license assignment for most of these projects means that any part of the repository, images included, may be redistributed, and that would supercede any IP issues with the test platform.

      • CoryO: True, USD has screening processes in place to ensure that internal images don't make it into content pushed to GitHub.

  • Call for additional topics (0:30-0:40)

    • Shawn D: Is there a place for examples of asset structure in the knowledge base?

      • CoryO: Is the content mainly example assets, or does it include documentation about the structure and choices made?

      • ShawnD: Includes documentation.

      • CoryO: Definitely, please do add this into the wiki, with the full sample assets in the wg-usd github.

      • ShawnD: will follow up to see when this might happen.

      • ChrisR: We may follow up with some content as well (apples example posted on usd-interest).

    • JT: Some progress being made on the Jupyter notebook document.

      • Continuing to add results of research and discussions with other groups.

      • CoryO: Is this something that could be added to the wiki?

      • JT: Once the content solidifies a bit, we can look at adding it to the wiki, but it's still undergoing a lot of change right now.

  • Closing/Action Items (0:40-0:50)


License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.