December 9, 2020
Action item follow-up (0:05-)
Wiki content review (Cory O.)
JT: Working on a way to integrate Jupyter notebooks into the wiki, will report back in upcoming sessions.
Follow up on timing for Omniverse presentation (Cory O.)
MichaelK not on the call today, CoryO to follow up with him after the holidays.
Also following up about the potential for a session on the physics schema.
Upcoming meetings
Group agreed to skip the December 23rd meeting, and regroup January 6th, 2021.
USD Camera
CoryO: had an internal discussion about the viability of extracting aspects of the Pixar camera model out into USD.
Pixar's camera is represented in a layer above USD, and relies heavily on execution behaviors and features that are either not present in USD, or have different behavior than similar USD functionality (e.g. connections).
Not really possible to extract the camera in a meaningful way, although it may be possible to at least publish the basic namespace and attribute structure, and maybe point out where the incompatibilities are.
Initial page in the USDWG wiki for USD Camera includes some starting thoughts
Open to the group to contribute sample camera structure for further discussion.
MichaelJ: could possibly contribute a utility for layering multiple cameras into a USD scene for testing, pending legal approval.
CoryO: wg-usd GitHub is available for this sort of contribution, if that would be more useful than attaching/embedding in a wiki page.
CoryO: Please do seek approval, all contributions to the wiki and GitHub are CCBY 4.0.
Closing/Action Items
Will discuss camera structure contributions at the next session.
Related content
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.