May 13, 2020
Administrative details [0:00-0:05]
Meeting agenda document access
Find and add/correct your name, trim colleagues that won’t be attending
Agenda location in github for future meetings
Communications on usd-interest once WG is ratified
Wave: Will there be a slack channel?
Cory: Let’s do that
John: Done
Recap of past scoping meetings [0:05-0:15]
Cory: two meetings in March before hiatus until now.
Notes available on GH
Clarification of WG goals/non-goals [0:15-0:45]
Cory: conferred with USD team at Pixar about their views on contributions of most value (see WG readme)
WG Goal 1: Assist community members with issues raised in USD support channels
WG Goal 2: Consolidate and share best practices for deployment of USD technologies
WG Non-goal: Not a steering committee; no special influence on direction of the USD project
Schema alignment is a non-goal
Cory: Let’s discuss deliverables for WG to focus on
Wave: examples of asset structures, shot / sequence structures, naming conventions
Gordon: need to capture rationale, discussion as well as final artifact
Daniel: is there a good descriptive approach to follow? Design Patterns? Python Enhancement Proposals?
Sean: How are the ideas proposed, discussed, accepted / ratified?
Wave: PR process seems very suitable
Cory: Perhaps ratified examples can be considered for migration into USD documentation
MichaelMin: Netflix goal is to have standards that allow for exchange of assets and materials between studios
Encapsulation (namespacing etc)
Hoping for these standards to be applicable across different styles of project (documentary, episodic, live-action, animated)
Cory: Let’s refine wording for deliverables. PEP-style?
Wave: API examples are more useful, valuable than USDA
Sean: Would programmatic examples be run against CI?
MarkTucker: Another request / deliverable would be Python documentation (not just C++)
Cory: Will follow up with USD team about releasing Python docs
Eric: Nvidia has slim bridge doc
Wave: Windows, Mac developer, run-time environment support?
Daniel: Would a working cross-platform CI environment for USD be a valuable deliverable for the existing goals?
Cory: Yes, will add to README
SeanMcDuffee: Would this extend to binary downloads?
Cory: Hopefully
SeanMcDuffee: Are hardware, data center factors, performance discussions or measurements in-scope?
SeanLooper: Benchmarks would be valuable
Action Items, Agenda for next meeting [0:45-0:50]
Action Items
John: Set up wg-usd slack channel under ASWF
Cory: Add slack channel to wg readme as communication channel
Cory: Follow up with USD team on publishing of Python docs.
Python docs exist but are not yet published anywhere.
Doc strings also exist, but the mechanism to build them out in the open source project needs to be fixed.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.