September 30, 2020
Action item follow-up (0:05-0:10)
Wiki content review (Cory O.)
Charter language changes (Cory O.)
No language changes necessary at this time, would be nice to do so for clarification, but this should not gate adding topics to the agenda.
Scheduling for WG self-organized standards (Cory O.)
Still need to add a page in the wiki for this, but in the mean time, please contact Cory if you have a topic you'd like to add.
Discussion: VFX platform/USD alignment (0:10-0:50)
Chief issue seems to be ABI stability
Bridge products are the best approach currently for vendors, but having ABI stability in USD, especially around schemas and other plugin points, would be better.
Would it be possible to have ABI stability around extension points, like schemas, file format plugins, other plugin points?
Discussion of a possible externally-developed "universal bridge" for portions of the USD interface that are important to implementors.
NVidia has a solution for this in their Omniverse product. Would be nice to get input from the USD team about this topic.
Plugins are versioned and have a stable interface.
Best way to proceed may be to write a white-paper/proposal about how such a shim might operate, which could then be iterated on by vendors/studios/implementors.
Could start as a wiki page in the USDWG space to allow interested parties to collaborate on what such a shim might look like.
Inclusion of a minimum version of USD in the VFX platform standard would help vendors choose a version to ship with, but without ABI stability it's not possible to swap in a new version unless a bridge exists for that product that allows recompilation against a newer version of USD.
KimballT: Weta has a potential pull request for USD to support setting the SONAME to allow different versions of USD in-memory at once.
Closing/Action Items (0:50-0:55)
Further discussion about the "universal bridge" approach.
Parking Lot
USD Superbuilds (Carson B.)
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ASWF USD working group.