

January 19, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


  • [X] Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic

  • [X] Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games

  • [X] Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix

  • [X] Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk

  • [X] Dennis Adams - Sony

  • [X] Christophe Brejon

  • [X] Zach Lewis - Method

  • [X] Scott Dyer - A.M.P.A.S.

  • [X] Sean Cooper (TSC) - ARRI

  • [X] Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore


  • Thomas Mansencal

OCIO Configs Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Include skeleton API for missing building transforms in v2.0.0? Need to make call on CY2021 ABI compatibility for VFX ref platform. If not may need to expose transform internals in config:

    • Michael: Following up from TSC meeting discussion. Options put on the table: Add stubs for missing transforms? Switch to a minor version range in CY2021?

    • Decision: Back out of requested VFX ref platform change. Stick with 2.0.x for CY2021 and move forward with any needed minor version updates throughout the year. ACES 1.3 support won't arrive until CY2022, and the ACES config will use verbose color space definitions instead of Builtin transforms in some places, but in performance and functionality will be equivalent. We will attempt to maintain ABI compatibility for initial minor version releases for users who want to drop newer versions into CY2021 DCCs. There are some algorithms (e.g. PQ) that need to be added to core lib to support LUT-free ACES config. AD will submit PR with these additions this week for the v2.0.0 release next week. - Other proposed plans would have worked, but the group determined it would be better to strictly follow semver and not make a rash decision based solely on getting the changes into VFX ref platform. As Sean put it: "Feels like the cart driving the horse". The agreed upon resolution permits completion of the ACES reference (and studio) configs and gives us a year to polish the v2 features for CY2022. DCCs likely won't have v2 support until near mid year anyway, and studios will likely delay further beyond that.

  • Make decision on config generation code direction:

    • Michael: Propose we stick with current code in repo. Refinements can be contributed via PR if needed.

    • Mark and group: Go for it.

    • Sean: Will there be artifacts via CI? Biggest buffer to people not caring about code.

    • Mark: Discussed artifacts and versioning earlier. Still plan to provide artifacts.

    • Michael: Yes, Thomas add CI setup which can be extended to support that.

  • Spreadsheet questions ACES feedback:

    • Michael: Open questions are related to inclusion of ACESproxy and the DCDM output transforms. Scott suggested they not be included by email, but we can discuss here to confirm a decision.

    • Carol: Get rid of them if ACES doesn't want them.

    • Scott: Better way to do DCDM than the transforms. Leave them out.

    • Michael: Same about ACESproxy?

    • Doug: Clipped integer version of ACEScc. Not sure why needed in OCIO.

    • Scott: Not sure of many using ACESproxy at all.

    • Group agrees to exclude these. Set to "excluded" in spreadsheet.

    • Carol: In first version, get people to speak up if they miss it.

    • Michael: Anything else?

    • Sean: Why only Sony Venice included?

    • Doug: Other Sony transforms in CSC section further up.

    • Carol: There isn't CSC of new Sony Venice IDTs yet.

  • Un-tonemapped view naming:

    • Doug: Discussion about needing another view (un-tone-mapped) in config. Trying to come up with name: Source colors, scene referred colors, textures, colorimetry, colorimetric view, un-ton-mapped, no tone-map, identity tone-map, identity view, 1:1, flat...

    • Decision: Group agrees on "un-tone-mapped" since it is explicit and clear. It may be confusing to users not familiar with color science, but it is better to have something clear to config authors, and a good learning opportunity for others. Also the term used by ACES.

  • Review of ACES Output Transform prototype:

    • Doug demos how to implement output transform with current OCIO v2 state. Breaking down transforms needed to create ODT, which in the future will be defined in a builtin transform via C++.

    • Doug: Clamps around ACES primary change prevent negative values from becoming large positives due to matrix. In testing that, noticed that some ACES output transforms generate black in unexpected places. Tested synthetic chart with camera log space. Values going through power function to infinity. Builtin functions for CSC log transforms will send large input values (outside 0-1) to infinity on output. Is that ok? Or should we clamp to large positive value? Often implemented with LUTs where infinity won't occur. Implemented here with LogCameraTransform, so exact math. Value greater than one could give infinity.

    • Mark: Think infinity fine in that context. Doing the right thing.

    • Doug: Downside is for synthetic chart image, with RGB inf,inf,inf one channel will become negative and get mapped to NaN (Inf - Inf) when going through a matrix. Since NaN typically maps to zero, it's possible that extremely bright values map to black on display.

    • Mark: Don't think would be problem. The formula should do what it does. We understand floating point limitations and are used to hitting them, so not crazy to expect same behavior here. Would be weird to do something different.

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