

May 24, 2022

Host: Doug Walker

Secretary: Carol Payne


Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Carol Payne (TSC Chair) - Netflix
Thomas Mansencal - WetaFX
Joseph Goldstone - ARRI


  • Michael Dolan

OCIO Config Working Group Meeting Notes


    • Merged! Doug will work on the Blackmagic PR next.

  • Camera Vendor followups:

    • Waiting to see what Canon wants to do about half-domain LUT1D vs. normal 1D

    • Email followups sent to Sony and Panasonic

    • New ARRI Log space should work with the built-in Camera Log Transform

  • Naming discussion

    • Having discussions with OpenEXR around OCIO colorspace metadata in EXR files

    • Proposal to store OCIOConfigName and OCIOColorSpaceName in the header

    • Also, working on a built-in config for the core OCIO library

    • So what to name the config is important - it needs to be compatible with a URI, convey purpose, ACES version, config requirement, OCIO version, etc.

    • Currently, the "name" object in our configs is much more human readable

    • Should move to use basename (filename) for the config name object instead, and put the human readable version in the description field.

    • Color space naming

      • We should revisit soon, all of the naming is slightly different from ACES IDT to CSC to OCIO

      • Joseph/ARRI prefers:

        • ARRI LogC3 AWG3 (EI800)

        • ARRI LogC4 AWG4

      • Re: input in the color space name - group feels that it's not really needed, but maybe a build option for people who want it? Or maybe as an alias would be better, just to be safe

      • As far as the naming, currently based on ACES dev - should sync with the ACES IDT group to discuss updates for ACES 2.0. Carol will start an email thread with Josh Pines

  • URN Specification

    • Transform platform re-purposes to Transform type

    • Leaving order of the URN the same

    • Doug will update the CLF Formatting doc

  • Possibly adding Leica L-log to the config/built-in transforms (should create a github issue for tracking)

  • Items for next meeting agenda:

    • Info