

March 15, 2022

Host: Michael Dolan


Michael Dolan (TSC) - Epic Games
Carol Payne (TSC Chair) - Netflix
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore

OCIO Config Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Camera vendor updates:

    • Carol: RED working on input transform CLF. Black Magic would like us to create CLF and share it with them for review.

    • Doug: I think both BM transforms can use CameraLog.

    • Carol: Since ACES IDT is already available in aces-dev, we can adhere to that since it's already approved in terms of naming. We can use these as an example of where to put transforms in repo. I will follow up with Panasonic.

    • Doug: There's an IDT and two CSCs. Will need to create OCIO transform ID.

    • TODO: Doug will create Black Magic transform CLFs.

    • Carol: Can reach out to GoPro and DJI next. Would also like to decide when we do an initial release. 

    • Michael: I think we could start releasing once we get first round of transforms. We're pre-1.0.0 so should be ok to iterate.

    • Carol: Agree we could do pre-releases.

    • Doug: We may want to have version in OCIO config filename. Or name attribute in config. Could put a version there.

    • Michael: Good point. Could put version in CSV, and have it drive that.

    • Doug: Should put ACES version in config also.

  • Formatting doc comments:

    • Carol: In response to question about Revision XML element, which is nested under Info in CLF spec. Since this is optional in CLF, I don't think we should make it required, but vendors can use it in contributed CLFs.

    • Doug: Agree with that. Vendors are welcome to put Info in CLFs, but won't be requirement from OCIO.

    • Carol: Do we need to migrate OCIO contributing documentation to configs repo? Think we should use some of contributing data from OCIO, and integrate content from this document.

    • Doug: Will have people contributing code and CLFs. Can document be shared?

    • Michael: Markdown can have contents so we can route people to sections they need.

    • Group agrees that for now, a link to OCIO contributing guidelines in document for reference is enough, but we'll want to improve repo documentation soon.

    • Comment about validating CLF numerically. 

      • Kevin: With example Python code you could write tests. Or we could provide a test script.

      • Michael: I will contribute image comparison script, but not as good for numeric comparison.

      • Kevin: Contributors will know what their target is. We can have script for value comparison.

      • Doug: ociochecklut will give values. Whitepapers usually have table of values that can be used for verification.

      • TODO: Doug will add ociochecklut explanation to document as tool for testing. <DONE>

  • CG config release:

    • TODO: Michael will update language to make it clear this is a pre-release, and then release.

  • Aliases:

    • Doug: Original ACES config had repeated color space as aliases. Should we implement those as aliases in new config.

    • Michael: Alias data from v1 configs is in spreadsheet, but not in pivot table that drives config generation

    • Carol: Would be good for consistency

    • Doug: Will need to update library and verify aliases in spreadsheet. TODO: Will create issues in GH. <DONE>

  • Cameras:

    • Doug: For some cameras, the spreadsheet has up to 3 color spaces: camera space, linear with primaries, and just the curve. Not consistent for all cameras. We should make a pass through spreadsheet to make sure the appropriate flavors are there for each (the texture spaces have a similar issue, e.g. RIMM/ProPhoto).

  • Items for next meeting agenda:

    • Talk about versioning of configs for incremental releases

    • Go through studio spreadsheet to validate camera space distribution and additional work.