

September 13, 2022

Host: Carol Payne

Secretary: Carol Payne


Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Sean Cooper (TSC) - ARRI
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Carol Payne (TSC Chair) - Netflix
Chris Davies - Sony Pictures Imageworks
Zach Lewis - Method


  • Michael Dolan

OCIO Config Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Incrementing Config name for each release

    • Thomas: Yes, we should increment the name. 

    • At least in our releases, we can control the naming/versioning. 

    • Should we do this in CI? Fail the build if difference in config are detected

    • Thomas do do a diagram to clarify the process and see what the best path forward is. 

    • Might do manual for 2.2 release in Oct and then implement a better solution down the line

  • OCIO 2.1 and 2.2 config:

    • Right now, reference is 2.1, CG & Studio are 2.1

    • Generator should have an option to choose OCIO library target version

    • If we need to do something manually for the October releases

    • Indicate it in the spreadsheet for now

    • Bring back to the larger TSC for discussion around version compatibility and tracking

    • Library will already error if you try to serialize a config with a version where those features are available - but determining what or why it fails and if it's detailed enough will be the catch.


    • Should be mostly good, need to fix the CI issues 

    • Sean looking at the few comments from Doug, then should be good to go.

    • Doug will be making changes on the OCIO side for the different logc3 coefficients so the optimizer will work (for inversion, etc). For logc4, the precision will be slightly different from what colour will generate - but Sean will be updating the white paper to reflect the values currently in the OCIO PR.

  • Canon

    • Can we use the built-in directly without a CLF? Generator is pulling info from the CLF but will use the built-in for the config.

    • Doug will make a PR for the Canon CLFs to see what might be missing 

  • Removing ' / ' from colorspace name - group says no, applications should handle issues in their domain (such as issues with hierarchical menus)

  • Removing 'video' from 'Rec.709 / Bt.1886 Video - Display - group says just fine, we should remove it (Carol will do it)

  • Another beta release: Aiming for September 27th (two weeks from now) and then the final release at the end of October

    • Carol, Doug and Thomas to meet separately to get a to-do list for 1.0 release

  • Items for next meeting agenda:

    • Next studio config beta release!