

August 1, 2023

Host: Carol Payne

Secretary: Carol Payne


Carol Payne (TSC Chair
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Thomas Mansencal (TSC) - WetaFX


  • Mark Titchener

OCIO Configs Working Group Meeting Notes

  • SLog2 / CanonLog2:

    • Should we include linear / curve colorspaces independently of the IDTs?

    • Let's add them for CLog2, but only add the IDT for SLog2

    • Will talk about it in the town hall and SIGGRAPH, and see what feedback we get

  • Naming conventions

    • Version for the config itself: 2.0 or 2.1? 

      • 2.1 because we're swapping the roles for the 2.3 release of the config

      • 2.0 for the addition of Display P3?

      • Thomas - it's more about semantic versioning - additions are maybe ok, but deletions/changes are never ok

      • Maybe we can mix a bit of both - semantic might not be all the info we need

      • Thomas, Doug, Carol decided 2.0 only for now, with all current changes proposed

    • Do we include the aces commit hash as we're referencing it instead of a tagged version?

      • Don't include the commit hash in the name, but do include it in the description of the config for tracking

      • Feel having the hash in the name will just confuse most people

  • Additional IDs for AMF:

    • Carol has the spreadsheet with the add'l IDs

    • Testing would be the concerning factor here. Won't target for the 2.3 release but Thomas will look at it this weekend and if everything goes swimmingly, we can consider including it