July 7th, 2021
Host: Doug Walker
Secretary: Carol Payne
Michael Dolan
OCIO Config Working Group Meeting Notes
CG Config:
WIP Code here: https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenColorIO-Config-ACES/tree/feature/cg
Test artifact/config generation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TcbM9_xy9e3KqwKz78SFsC7VvgnnkLH-?usp=sharing
What should the ID tag in the generated CLF files be? Sort of an ACES TransformID, even though they aren't official ACES transforms? We'd like to have a way to reference it between configs.
Some discussion relative to having a read method for GroupTransform, Doug and Thomas following up about the current way to achieve this in python.
Studio config should just "work" once the CLF bits are worked out, and some details around naming and other minor functionality details are done for the CG config.
Should we follow the naming convention for the built in transforms? Seems to make sense, good for consistency.
So the two big to-do's are the transform IDs and the CLF names. Will add columns to the spreadsheet so we can start to suggest naming conventions.
Doug: first part is python to generate CLF's with specific transform IDs. Second part is treating the CLF's as CTL and parsing them to generate a config that points to the CTL file.
Zach: should OCIO provide some sort of configurable colorspace object? Zach will provide a code example to demonstrate what he's asking to the group.
Kevin: is it worth trying to parse and "re-bake" the transforms into the OCIO config where possible based on the CLF? To eliminate dependency on external files?
Is this the role of the config generator or the role of OCIO itself? Having the ability to read in a config FileTransform or CLF and give me back a Group Transform for it, if possible.
Thomas: we could technically do this now.
Doug: this does exist, you can take a file transform, and make a processor based on it, and it will give you the group transform.
Group does agree that limiting dependencies on external file transforms is a good goal.
Camera Vendor Outreach:
Two parts: Outreach to vendors that already have ACES IDTs, and to vendors that don't have official IDTs around inclusion in the studio config.
Collaboration to be done with the ACES IDT Working Group, as well as the AMF working group around IDT implementation and consistency between applications.
OCIO 2.1 / ACES Gamut Compression:
OCIO 2.1 coming soon
Thomas: have updated the reference config to include the Reference Gamut Compression, it's in a draft PR, Thomas will push that through and add a gist of what it generates.
It's a look transform with ACES 2065-1 in and out.
This is fine for the reference config, but might need more of a discussion for the studio config etc as far as end user.
A lot of discussion around the ability to test these new features in OCIO 2.1 / the reference config once created. In the end, we'll likely need folks to build the source and use the command line tools to test until integration with DCCs catches up.
Items for next meeting agenda:
Discuss CG Config Progress, talk about where folks can jump in to help