

Jan 18, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games


  • Thomas Mansencal

OCIO Config Working Group Meeting Notes

  • CG Config:

    • Michael: PR #34 ready for review. Once that is merged, we will need another PR to add Doug's CLF generation code. Then CG config should be ready for final review before release.

    • TODO: Doug will email Michael CLF generation code to test and integrate.

  • Canon meeting:


    • Carol: Went well.

    • Doug: Agree. Need to send them Python script.

    • Carol: Going to follow up with them. Communicated the work and connection with ACES. Sounded like they were on board. We answered questions around implementation.

    • Michael: And we'll be able to reduce number of Canon IDTs?

    • Carol: Yes. May be some legacy cases, but studios can add those as needed. We'll need to be clear to users that we're not going to add everything to config.

    • Michael: Config generation lib is easily extensible, so we can just give guidance on use of CSV and CLF workflow.

  • Blackmagic meeting:

    • Carol: Would be good to have Scott or Alex attend as well. May be questions around ACES IDT process in addition to OCIO CLF implementation. Should we join the topics?

    • Kevin: Only comment is to have new transforms created with mindset to create IDT. May be more complicated to join the two topics since new IDT initiative is targeting IDTs with more rigor.

    • Michael: Could invite them since Scott has been part of this group and to show ACES involvement in the config initiative, even if not covering bigger IDT discussion.

    • Doug: In both cases we're asking them to take something published and convert it into ACES or OCIO. Even if they don't have time, we have numbers and could create it and get their approval.

    • Kevin: The further up the chain you get, the less variation there will be in these implementations.

    • Doug: Is the meeting with camera or Resolve side?

    • Carol: Camera side.

    • Doug: Do we want both Resolve and camera spaces? Do we need two separate meetings?

    • Carol: Think first priority is camera, getting it into ACES. Secondarily we can ask for Davinci wide gamut and see what they say. Should be simpler since it's not a camera. Following this, planning to draft email to other camera vendors, and can have meetings as needed.

    • Michael: Can add self-service contribution guide to GH readme or another page going forward too.

    • Doug: Academy had idea that for ACES there could be a place to share transforms with the community, but never panned out.

    • Carol: Is still some talk of that in IDT group, giving guidelines on how to build IDTs when needed. Also teaches process to make them yourself if you want. Don't know what the status is of any of that. We should sync with them again.

    • Kevin: It's progressing. Requirement to ensure process is repeatable.

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