

May 25, 2021

Host: Michael Dolan


Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games
Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix
Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk
Christophe Brejon
Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore
Thomas Mansencal - Weta Digital

OCIO Config Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Config generator spreadsheet requirements:

    • Thomas: Started work on CG generator. Multiple paths to do it. Could say what to exclude in generator, or have it be like the reference config, driven by a spreadsheet. At very least need ACES transform ID for ACES transforms. Can drive things though spreadsheet, or at least have it as a quick reference.

    • Michael: Christophe updated the spreadsheet with transform IDs. How to handle spaces with no transform ID?

    • Thomas: When reference config was built, had few functions to generate OCIO color spaces, view transforms, etc. as native OCIO objects. Problem with that is can't serialize it out. Have done tests with pure dictionary representation of color spaces. Could extend that to drive external generation. Could call on external stuff to generate transformation matrices, etc.

    • Doug: No need for external LUTs for CG config. Could be for studio config though.

    • Thomas: Don't think we need external color spaces, but if we want to include spaces not in OCIO, how do we do that?

    • Doug: Could pass in matrices.

    • Michael: Could we pass in CLF or CTF?

    • Doug: Could do that, have them checked in repo and get read and serialized. Load as file transform and convert to group transform.

    • Carol: That sounds good. Would be clear and demonstrate what you can do with OCIO. Good for keeping track too. Can make case for more built-ins long term too.

    • Doug: Could even use metadata capabilities of CLF for ID strings.

    • Thomas: Like that idea. Seems good.

    • Michael: Can have reference to CLF in spreadsheet.

    • Thomas: Can do that for studio config too.

  • CG config spaces:

    • Doug: For CG config, need to add MaterialX color spaces. Listed in slack channel.

    • TODO: Christophe will update spreadsheet with these.