

June 30, 2020

Host: Michael Dolan

Rotating Secretary: Michael Dolan


  • [X] Mark Boorer (TSC) - Industrial Light & Magic

  • [X] Sean Cooper (TSC ACES TAC Rep) - DNEG

  • [X] Michael Dolan (TSC Chair) - Epic Games

  • [X] Carol Payne (TSC) - Netflix

  • [X] Doug Walker (TSC Chief Architect) - Autodesk

  • [X] Kevin Wheatley (TSC) - Framestore

  • [X] Matthias Scharfenberg - Industrial Light & Magic

  • [X] Dennis Adams - Sony

  • [X] Thomas Mansencal - Weta Digital

  • [X] Troy Sobotka

OCIO Configs Working Group Meeting Notes

  • Initial color spaces:

    • ACES discovery code (Thomas): Graph

    • Thomas: Generated by python code which discovers all CTL transforms. With v2 we know what transforms are needed (graph edges), supported by OCIO BuiltIn transforms. Graph can be basis for building config. Once edges are implemented, the config is done.

    • Doug: Would like to see BuiltIn transforms for all of these edges.

    • Thomas: Can build config generator on top of that. Plan of least resistance. Discovery work also good for finding errors on ACES side.

    • Kevin: This implementation could lead to a lot of transform duplication. Would that be simplified?

    • Doug: In BuiltIn transforms, it's already factorized.

    • Kevin: Thinking in terms of expressivity. Programmatically building this graph would fail to show underlying relationships between color spaces.

    • Doug: If we are using BuiltIn transforms, we could break them down into matrix and non-linear components, composed as ColorSpace transform transforms. Already set up this way internally.

    • Mark: ILM internal config generator does something similar. Generates color spaces composed of other color spaces, mapping of gamuts and transfer functions. Useful to generate all gamuts first, and from there generate all transfer functions that need each gamut.

    • Michael: Would ACES GH repo be a runtime dependency or cached?

    • Thomas: Runtime, like CI process.

    • Doug: Good to have no external file dependencies.

    • Thomas: For studio config could add extra LUTs, etc. Think everything in reference config can be expressed without LUT. Should just work.

    • Doug: Even things that typically require LUTs, BuiltInTransform can handle it.

    • Kevin: What about back port to OCIO V1? Bake color spaces from v2 config?

    • Thomas: Not planning to change anything for v1. This code won't work with v1 currently.

    • Michael: Initial config solution is essentially a BuiltInTransform matchmaking system.

  • Display & views:

    • Doug: Should do proper views and displays in this config version, Rec. 709, Rec 2020, etc.

    • Thomas: Can group/organize config how we want.

    • Michael: Could use RRT view transform (display reference space), and have display/view per ODT

    • Kevin: Would be good to do that, to express things properly.

    • Mark: There are some differences (parametric display transform) which might make that not work.

    • Carol: The new RRT+ODT design is more parameterized.

    • Doug: In recent work, RRT+ODT is called output transform. More recent HDR work generates these as one piece. Can be expressed with view transform. The display reference space would include part of ODT. We do this now with the SynColor CTF ACES transforms.

    • Matthias: Would display reference be dependent on display device?

    • Doug: Possible to have display reference space that is generic. Can be CIE XYZ. Just need to implement.

    • Michael: Would the discovery code automate display creation from CTL directories, since they are grouped like that?

    • Thomas: Already how the code is structured.

  • Looks:

    • Michael: Are there cases where we want to define looks as well, for the blue light artifact fix for example.

    • Carol: Depends on the ACES gamut mapping working group :)

  • Next steps:

    • Michael: As a first step, perhaps we should generate a simulated config structure. Can act as a TODO list.

    • Thomas: Yes. Mock config to plan everything out. I can commit current code to a special dev branch, where it can be contributed to by others. Will set up README too, and then we can work on generating an initial config.

    • TODO: Thomas will open PR with discovery code in OpenColorIO-Config-ACES repo.

    • Mark: I Want to help once OpenColorMath is ready. It could help a lot with generating the ACES configs.

    • Thomas: Mark's code could be leveraged to make the config studio grade. All the added transforms to be finishing for the remaining part of the config.

    • Kevin: There are currently multiple Sony S-Gamuts, depending on which camera an image is coming from. How would this be implemented. Different name for each?

    • Thomas: Need to determine how to name things.

    • Doug: Could use naming from ACES.

    • Carol: How can we get more help? We should reach out to Slack, ocio-dev, ocio-user for new input, since this work is Python, it is more accessible.

    • Thomas: Agree. Let's just wait till the project is rolling. Once there is a plan. The code is Python, but the config is non-trivial to develop; but simpler than C.

    • Sean: How much automation is intended for building the config?

    • Thomas: Full automation for reference config.

    • Doug: Anyone want to help with adding missing ACES components in BuiltIn transforms? Work is pretty straightforward. ODT part should be facilitated by another in-progress PR. Could start with input transforms first, and in a few weeks go to output transforms.

    • Thomas: Could there be mock transforms? To at least test the config? Would a mock config break if transforms are missing? Can we have mock transforms (as an outline, TODO list of sorts).

    • Doug: Great idea. Contributors can then fill in the blanks to help. Let's get transform IDs and fill in BuiltIns for all of those.

    • TODO: Michael will create GH Issue about building out full ACES BuiltIn transform skeleton to guide contributors.

    • Sean: The dependency chain between the config, OCIO, and ACES will be tricky. Dependent on transforms existing in OCIO core first. How to do releases? Tag?

    • Thomas: Work in branches to reference precise state of ACES dev.

    • Sean: There will be cases where we want a color space in config, but there's a delay with deploying a new OCIO version. May have to deliver LUT temporarily.

    • Mark: Or write an expression via OpenColorMath.

    • Sean: Since there will be multiple config flavors, users will need to reference specific config versions. Problem of sharing between studios since it won't just be "the ACES config". Which ACES config?

    • Michael: In the last meeting we discussed having two flavors; an ACES reference config, and the "studio in a box" config, which would be created later, on top of the ACES reference config code.

    • Thomas: The config generator needs to be easy to use. That will be important.

    • TODO: Determine branch, release and versioning strategy.

    • Sean: Missed Thomas' issue with the graph. Is the repo integrated with Slack yet?

    • Doug: Slack connection would be good.

    • TODO: Michael will request Slack integration for the OpenColorIO-Config-ACES repo (from LF releng).