November 27th, 2023
Host: Carol Payne
Secretary: Carol Payne
Michael Dolan
Mark Boorer
Remi Achard
OCIO TSC Meeting Notes
2.3.1 release
There are a number of fixes that can go into this release already
Please let Doug know if there is anything that you definitely want in the release
Thomas - really want the python 3.12 wheels update in - Doug says PR from Remi should be ready to merge, but need a second review. Thomas will review.
2.2.2 release
Few things here too, same note as above - let us know specific PRs/Issues
Mark T will double check on his end for Foundry (Nuke 15 is currently on 2.2.1)
Would like to pull the trigger on this as well around the same time as the 2.3.1
PRs to review
Fixes issue with OIIO, needs 2 reviews
Chromaticity Inspector for OCIOView
In order to go to XYZ to get the chromaticities, we need to know what RGB space we're currently in
Doug - could we use the interchange space?
Thomas - no, we want the chromaticities of the original space
Doug - but you could just back out the display and not the view
Thomas - that might work, thanks!
Github issue groom
Carol to make a spreadsheet of our current labels and a proposal of what we remove/add, with the goal of changing as little of what we currently use as possible
Adding a "build issues" label to possibly help search for issues related to build help etc even when they are closed
We'll do a review and groom together based on a first pass that Doug and Carol do at a future TSC meeting
End goal is an overall "status" project board as well as a Roadmap board
Meeting timing
Sorry for the confusion on the UX meetings - we'll settle on final times in the new year
Meeting for UX on december 18th would be at 12 PT - we'll get it to stick and try to fix the bugs
Configs WG meeting will be on Tuesday Dec 5 at 1pm PT
Next TSC Dec 11 at 12 PT
No meetings of any kind after the UX meeting on the 18th until after the New Year!